To change your password:
  • Go to the "More" menu in the bottom bar
  • Select "Settings" (in the "ACCOUNT" section)
  • Select "Change password"
  • Enter your current password, a new password, and confirm your new password
  • Tap “Submit”(iOS)/check mark (Android) in the top right corner to save
To reset your password if you forgot your password, or to create a password:
                        If you are still logged into the app:
  • Go to the "More" menu in the bottom bar
  • Select "Settings" (in the "ACCOUNT" section)
  • Select "Change password"
  • Select "Forgot password?"
  • Select "Send"

    If you have been logged out of the app:
  • Tap "Already have an account? Log in"
  • Tap "Forgot Password"
  • Enter the email associated with your account and tap “Done”

      A Password Reset will be sent to your inbox
  • Go to your email inbox associated with your login email
  • Open the email with the subject line “Ovia: New Password” and click the “Change Password” button
  • Enter in a new password, confirm your new password, and tap “Change Password”
Please be sure the password you create meets this requirements:
  • combination of numbers, upper and lowercase letters
  • should not contain the word Ovia or the name of our apps
  • should not be a password that is in use by another app/account
If you don’t get an email, please check your junk, spam, promotional and social folders of your inbox. If you get an error message when entering your new password, please repeat these steps to send yourself a new link as the reset password link is only valid for 24 hours.